Friday, May 23, 2008


Wow! Barrels of gas seem to be breaking records daily. A gallon of gas continues to inch to the 4 dollar mark nationally, and in many places have already surpassed it.
Congress recently demanded that the leaders of "Big Oil" come before them and explain why the price of oil and gas is so high. Congress was informed that America's demand was greater than its supply and that current legislation prohibited "Big Oil" companies from searching and drilling and building refineries. Congress should already know this! They passed the legislation!
Yes, America's demand for gas far out paces its supply. And instead of being able to drill off our coasts and build refineries to meet that demand so that we can wean ourselves from the teat of OPEC, Congresses solution is to SOCIALIZE the oil companies. You read this right, a congresswoman is on record that the Government would "take over" the oil and gas companies.
Socialism creeping, no- marching lockstep into America! Remember Russians walking into stores with little to nothing on the shelves? Inflation rampant-untold amount of Rubles to pay for very little. Remember long lines at the gas pump waiting to fill your car in the 70's? Are you ready to spend your whole paycheck just to fill your car?
The Liberal agenda as followed by Obama, Clinton and the Democrats in congress believe that we Americans are not capable enough to care for ourselves, and that Government could do a better job. I mean, look at how good our highways and bridges are maintained-many of them not able to support the streams of vehicles and are in bad repair. Look at the beauty of Medicare and Medicaid-Welfare at its finest. Watch how well the Democrats work with others, especially with their belief that if you don't agree with their side you must be simple minded or a bigot.
*Government controlled health care
*Government controlled welfare
*Government controlled oil and gas
*Government controlled communication
*Open access borders
*Subservience to the United Nations
*Fear of world opinion
*Cowardice in self preservation

The list goes on and on. Are you ready to start speaking Russian?
I say NYET!

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