Wednesday, May 21, 2008


What an amazing election year this has turned out to be. Think about it... the first African American, the first woman and a geriatric!
Conviction, responsibility, courage, strength, hope, liberty, justice, these are what makes America GREAT! But this could all change dramatically come November if we let it.
For the past year Barak Obama has been getting a free ride from the Liberal media. Their collective lips have been firmly attached to Obama's butt, not caring that he has no platform or policy to speak of.
Let's look at his Mantra for "change". Change for who? Well, look at his belief system: Black Liberation Theology. This theology or belief has at its core a message of hate. Observe, Obama's spiritual advisor, Reverend Wright looks up to and praises a man named James Cone who has written a book called Black Power and Black Theology. Here's a quote "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community. Black theology will accept only the love of God who participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in black power which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."
WOW! So full of hate. Aren't you curious if this is truly Obama's stance? You'd be considered a racist if you asked. You know, after sitting for 20 years in church listening to your Spiritual Mentor spewing words of hate and separation it HAS to have had a profound affect. Remember-Obama did not leave. No Barak has shown no courage in standing up for his beliefs. Yes, yes he cut ties with Reverend Wright, but that was political expedience, not the strong courageous man of change he purports to be. Nope-just another Politician.
If that doesn't bother you, here's another; Black Liberation Theology follow Marxist ideologies. And you better believe that Barak's elitist mind blankets that belief. Listen to Obama rallying for "Universal Healthcare". Translation- the government controls every aspect of your health. Listen to Obama speak about increasing the taxes on the wealthy. Translation- redistribution of wealth. All Marxist ideals! And both of these "ideas" of "change" are not "new"! Democrats and Liberals have been attempting to socialize America for years! Didn't they see that socialism didn't work for the Soviet Union? Apparently not!
Next, Black Liberation Theology preaches and reinforces the idea of victim-hood within the black community. Skeptical? Have you not heard Barak's wife state that she has never been as "proud" of her country as she is now, now that her husband is soooooo close to the throne....I mean seat of POWER. And that when elected they can take from the rich and pay back the ancestors of slave owners.
How about Barak's "association" with a known tenured terrorist, William Ayers? The Liberal media, lips still firmly attached to the backside of the Obama Machine, simply shrug their shoulders and turn a blind eye. After all it is difficult to speak up with your mouth full.
How can these ideas just pass by the American public without Questions? Courageous people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others have the courage to ask and are vilified. My hat is off to these guys. Here's my answer to the question: reverse discrimination pure and simple. If a white person held these beliefs, other than in Louisiana, he or she would be considered a bigot or racist and never play on the political stage. Howard Dean lost a nomination for President simply because he was overly exuberant. This is much, much worse.
Is the America I grew up in afraid to pick itself up by the boot straps and say a collective "NO" to the changes that Barak would implement? I surely hope so.
If not, by this time next year the vodka's on me!!!!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Strong words there! Well-said...I admire your courage in boldly stating what you believe!